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What is the Flusk Analytics [Beta] feature?
What is the Flusk Analytics [Beta] feature?
Updated over 3 months ago

Please note: this feature is currently in Beta and not yet available to all apps or plans.

By analyzing your logs, Flusk can create analytics to give you more context and information about your app. Below are the metric and information provided via Flusk Analytics so far:

  • Active users by country

  • Amount of active users for a specific period

  • Amount of currently online users

  • Recent activity, hourly/daily/monthly

  • Average traffic by hour and day of the week

  • Most active users

  • Most consuming users (WUs)

  • Longest workflows to execute (ms)

  • Most consuming workflows (WUs)

  • Most executed workflows


Flusk allows you to monitor any version of your Bubble app:

  • Test version

  • Live version

  • And any other custom branch/version

When using Flusk Analytics, make sure to select the right version on the top of your dashboard.

Active Users by Country

This chart allows you to see the geographical repartition of your users.

You can see the exact % of usage per country by hovering a specific country.

The "User type" dropdown allows you to see traffic repartition per user type:

  • All (no value selected)

  • Users (people who created an account and are logged in)

  • Visitors

The "Duration" dropdown allows you to select a specific time range to filter values on:

  • Today

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days (default)

  • Last 3 months

Amount of active users

This chart gives you an overview of the active users on your app following different time ranges:

  • Last 24 hours

  • Last 14 days

  • Last 30 days (default)

  • Last 30 months

The amount of active users is divided in 2 different sections:

  • Grey: the visitors

  • Blue: the users (that have an account created on your app)

Users currently online

This chart tells you exactly how many users are currently live on your app.

You can choose between different time ranges:

  • Last 5 minutes (default)

  • Last 15 minutes

  • Last 30 minutes

  • Last 60 minutes

This value only gets refreshed when the page gets loaded, so if you spend much time on the Flusk dashboard and come back to this part, the value might not be perfectly accurate. You can use the "refresh" button to get the most accurate value.

Recent activity

This chart draws the user activity for the selected period of time. You can choose between 3 values to display this data:

  • Hourly (default) - last 24 hours

  • Daily

  • Monthly

Same applies here for the colors:

  • Blue: users with an account

  • Grey: visitors

Average traffic

This chart uses the existing data to calculate the average traffic for specific periods of time.

  • On the Y-axis, you will find the day of the week.

  • On the X-axis, you will find ranges of hours of the day

With the dropdown on the top-right corner, you can choose the interval to display:

  • 2h interval

  • 4h interval

  • 6h interval (default)

The smaller the interval, the more precise the averages will be.

Regarding intensity, you can see that the lighter the blue, the bigger the number is. So your app has the most traffic when the blue is the lightest.

If we try to read this chart, we could say that for this particular app:

  • It encounters the most traffic on Tuesday, between 1pm and 6pm with an average of 8 active users.

  • The less active times, with an average of 1 active user, are:

    • Saturday, between 12am and 6am

    • Sunday, between 12am and 6am

    • Sunday, between 6am and 12pm

Most active users

This table sorts your users by their activity. The most time a user spends on your app the more "active" they are. This data is based on the number of session and their duration for a specific user.

This data is collected using the Flusk plugin. We do create a websocket connection between your end-user and Flusk's back-end server and send pings every 5 minutes. This only has a negligible impact on your app's performance and we do not send HTTP queries, but rather set a websocket connection up.

You have the option to change the time range of this table:

  • Today

  • Last 7 days (default)

  • Last 30 days

  • Last 3 months

Exporting this table

Flusk gives you the ability to export the data into a CSV file.

The output is a CSV file containing the following columns:

  • User ID

  • User email

  • Activity

Additional informations & log in as a specific user

The "open" icon next to the user email opens a popup with additional informations about this user, and also allows you to log in as that user. This is exactly the same as the "Run as" button in the database view of your Bubble app.

Most consuming users (WUs)

This table gives you an overview of your most consuming users in terms of Workload Units (WUs). It sorts your users from the most consuming to the most consuming one.

Using the dropdown on the top-right corner, you can change the time range to one of the following:

  • Today

  • Last 7 days (default)

  • Last 30 days

  • Last 3 months

How is it calculated?

Flusk calculates this value based on all the logs a specific user will generate and their workload unit costs. If we want to know how many WUs the user "[email protected]" consumed, Flusk will find all the logs generated by this user and sum all the WU costs.

To determine the associated cost, we use as a metric the Bubble plan your app is running on. For example, on the "Starter" plan (in March 2024) an excess of 1K WUs will cost you $0.30. This is the value we use to calculate the associated cost of a user in terms of Workload Units.

Exporting this table

Flusk gives you the ability to export the data into a CSV file.

The output is a CSV file containing the following columns:

  • User ID

  • User email

  • Total WUs consumed

Additional informations & log in as a specific user

The "open" icon next to the user email opens a popup with additional informations about this user, and also allows you to log in as that user. This is exactly the same as the "Run as" button in the database view of you

Longest workflows to execute

Flusk gives you the ability to sort your workflows by their execution time. This is useful when you are looking to optimize your app and don't have an idea where to start. Durations are in milliseconds (ms).

The "Container" column stands for the name of the page the workflow lives in. It can be:

  • Backend when it's a back-end workflow, a reusable workflow or a database trigger

  • The name of a page

  • The name of a reusable element

Using the dropdown on the top-right corner, you can change the time range to one of the following:

  • Today

  • Last 7 days (default)

  • Last 30 days

  • Last 3 months

You can also change the calculation method:

  • Average: the average duration for this workflow to complete its execution

  • Cumulated: the cumulated duration of all the executions of this workflow

Exporting this table

Flusk gives you the ability to export the data into a CSV file. The output is a CSV file containing the following columns:

  • Workflow Item: the exact identifier of this workflow

  • Workflow Display: the display name of this workflow

  • Workflow Path: the exact path to this workflow in your Bubble app

  • Total: the average/cumulated execution duration of this workflow

Show workflow path

This is more of an advanced and debugging feature. Checking this box will show you the exact path of the workflow in your Bubble app.

Most consuming workflows

Flusk allows you to see the workflows that consumes the most workload units on your app and estimate their associated costs.

The "Container" column stands for the name of the page the workflow lives in. It can be:

  • Backend when it's a back-end workflow, a reusable workflow or a database trigger

  • The name of a page

  • The name of a reusable element

Using the dropdown on the top-right corner, you can change the time range to one of the following:

  • Today

  • Last 7 days (default)

  • Last 30 days

  • Last 3 months

You can also change the calculation method:

  • Average: the average workload units consumed per workflow execution

  • Cumulated: the cumulated workload units consumed by this workflow

How is this data calculated?

To calculate this data, Flusk uses your app logs. If we want to calculate the number of workload units consumed by the "Send email" workflow, we will collect all your logs and filter on the ID of the workflow. This way, we have a list of logs triggered from this "Send email" workflow.

As we have the consumed workload units amount next to each log, we just need to sum them all and display the value here.

Exporting this table

Flusk gives you the ability to export the data into a CSV file. The output is a CSV file containing the following columns:

  • Workflow Item: the exact identifier of this workflow

  • Workflow Display: the display name of this workflow

  • Workflow Path: the exact path to this workflow in your Bubble app

  • Total: the average/cumulated workload units consumption of this workflow

Show workflow path

This is more of an advanced and debugging feature. Checking this box will show you the exact path of the workflow in your Bubble app.

Most executed workflows

Flusk allows you to see the most executed workflows on your Bubble app. Every single time a workflow is executed, Flusk will count it and display it here.

The "Container" column stands for the name of the page the workflow lives in. It can be:

  • Backend when it's a back-end workflow, a reusable workflow or a database trigger

  • The name of a page

  • The name of a reusable element

Using the dropdown on the top-right corner, you can change the time range to one of the following:

  • Today

  • Last 7 days (default)

  • Last 30 days

  • Last 3 months

Exporting this table

Flusk gives you the ability to export the data into a CSV file. The output is a CSV file containing the following columns:

  • Workflow Item: the exact identifier of this workflow

  • Workflow Display: the display name of this workflow

  • Workflow Path: the exact path to this workflow in your Bubble app

  • Total: the cumulated executions of this workflow

Show workflow path

This is more of an advanced and debugging feature. Checking this box will show you the exact path of the workflow in your Bubble app.

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