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Developer Certification
What is the Bubble Developer Certification exam like?
What is the Bubble Developer Certification exam like?
Updated over a week ago

The exam is a total of 90 randomized questions. The exam has a 3.5 hour time limit, but most test takers need about 2 hours to complete it.
No two exams are alike: The system randomly pulls its 90 questions from a larger pool, so the order of questions — and many of the questions themselves — will change each time. That said, each question will be clearly identified as one of three types:

  • Multiple Choice / True or False: You will only be allowed to choose ONE correct answer. For multiple-choice questions, the number of different choices will vary.

  • Multiple Answer: Formatted like a multiple-choice question, but there may be one right answer, multiple right answers, or all right answers. There’s no partial credit; you must choose the exact combination of correct answers to pass this type of question.

  • Fill-in-the-Blank: You will be asked to type the correct answer into a box. There may be multiple correct answers or multiple ways to write the correct answer. Some answers will be case-sensitive (this will be clearly noted in the question). Watch out for typos — even one incorrect character or space may be counted as incorrect!

Also be prepared to answer knowledge-based questions as well as scenario-based questions.

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