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What are the available plugin licenses?
What are the available plugin licenses?
Updated over a week ago

There are three available licenses. They are as follows:

  • Private: this allows you to authorize specific applications to access your plugin;

  • Open source license (MIT): this renders the plugin free on the plugins marketplace and other users may copy the code. Note that once a plugin has been published as Open Source, you won't be able to take it back to private.

  • Commercial: the Commercial license allows you to submit the plugin to our marketplace with a designated price. The two subscription options available for a Commercial license are 1) One-time payment: user will pay once to have perpetual access to your plugin in a single application; and, 2) Subscription: user will pay a monthly fee to have access to your plugin in a single application.

Our team will review all commercial plugins before they are published to our marketplace to ensure that they comply with our Marketplace Policies and that all publication requirements have been met.

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