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Core Reference
Core Reference

Welcome to the core reference section of the Bubble docs. The core reference is a focused, technical resource that provides information about all properties, settings, and technical details within Bubble.

Using the core referenceWelcome to the core reference section of the Bubble docs.

Elements are things you draw on pages. They display images, text, and other information and enable users to interact with the app.

Introduction to ElementsElements are things you draw on pages. They display images, text, and other information and enable users to interact with the app.
General propertiesGeneral Properties control an element’s name, visibility, size, style, and conditions, defining its appearance and behavior.
Styling propertiesStyling Properties control an element’s colors, fonts, borders, shadows, etc., ensuring a consistent and polished design.
Responsive PropertiesResponsive Properties adjust an element’s size, position, and visibility based on screen size, ensuring a seamless experience on all devices
Conditional formattingConditional formatting enables you to control how page elements behave and appear under certain circumstances.
StatesStates of an element are situations the element can find itself in, such as being hovered or visible.
Page ElementThe Page Element is the fundamental element that contains all the other elements.
Visual ElementsVisual Elements display text, images, icons, videos, shapes, etc., enhancing the UI and improving user experience.
ContainersContainers are elements that can contain other elements.
Container Layout TypesContainer layouts define the behavior and positioning of its child elements.
Input FormsInput forms are elements that accept input from the user, such as text input, file/image upload, checkboxes and calendars.
Reusable ElementsA reusable element creates an element that contains other elements, like a group, that can be used in more than one place.

This is the short-form technical core reference entry for workflows. Workflows dictate the app's response to user interactions.

Introduction to WorkflowsBubble uses workflows to define app behavior through event-triggered action sequences.

Defining named styles with properties that can be applied to multiple elements.

OverviewDefining named styles with properties that can be applied to multiple elements.