In this Quick Tip, we're going to learn about creating a field that is a list.
Often you'll want to store a list of Things and not just a single value. For example, let's say we wanted to let users store their favorite movies on their profile page. We create a new field on the user data type, choose the Field type which is text in this case, but it can be anything, and then check the box called list to define that this field will store a list of values and not just a single one.
Now that we have a field that is a list on the user data type, we can store data in that list for each user. In the App Data tab, we can edit one of our users and see the favorite movies list custom field, where we can manually add entries, or we can create an interface on their profile and make changes to the user's field to add entries to the list from the front end.
Lists can help you store information that you need, like in this example. Just keep in mind that at the time of this recording, lists can only hold up to 10,000 items so if you know your list will eventually exceed this, please plan your data structure accordingly.
That's it for this Quick Tip! For more, be sure to check out academy.