How can I cancel my plan?
Updated over a week ago

You can cancel your plan at any time, though do keep in mind that the application will be immediately downgraded regardless of how much time is left in your subscription period, and that we do not offer prorated refunds for the remaining time.

You can cancel your app’s plan in the app editor settings page or through our AI-powered bot.

To cancel through the app editor:

  1. Open your app’s editor, click on Settings, then on the App Plan tab. From there, you can cancel one of two ways:

    1. Click "Cancel plan" on your current plan option.

    2. OR - Click on the "Change Plan" button, then click the "Select" button on the Free plan, fill out the required fields in the cancellation popup, and click on the button at the bottom of the popup to confirm.

To cancel through the Support bot:

  1. Make sure you're logged into your account, then open the bot by clicking on the conversation icon at the bottom right-hand side of any page.

  2. Ask the bot to talk to a person.

  3. Select the 'Billing support' option, and then the "cancel an app plan/subscription" option.

  4. Follow the prompts from there to allow the bot to automatically cancel your subscription for you.

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