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What happens if my exam crashes?
What happens if my exam crashes?
Updated over a week ago

If your exam crashes, don’t worry. This is rare but may happen if your browser has run out of memory. Your exam session is not lost, and the timer will continue to run behind the scenes. Please refresh or restart the browser and rejoin your exam session to see if that fixes the issue. You'll be required to re-verify your identity upon reopening. We cannot make up the time lost, but we'll replace any attempt if a documented crash severely persists.

This crash could be caused by any of the following:

  • Tab overload

  • Limited RAM

  • Out-of-date browser

  • Hardware issues

  • Console error

If this happens to you, please open up your developer tools and check the console for any errors. If there are any, please screenshot them and send them to our support team (

Be sure to include any other details about what you were doing prior to the crash so we can try to replicate the error.

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