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Why do Algolia searches only return / filter through 20 results?
Why do Algolia searches only return / filter through 20 results?
Updated over a week ago

At the moment, our Algolia integration does not handle pagination. By default, when Algolia is used as a data source, Bubble returns the 20 most relevant items per search because we only look at the "first page" of results. Additionally, the default number of results returned on a page for an Algolia search is set to 20 via the "Hits per page" setting in Algolia. This results in an inability to paginate through more Algolia results than the 20 that are returned.

A workaround is to increase the number of results returned on the first page by going to your Algolia page and adjusting the number for the "Hits per page" setting (you need to adjust "Pagination limited to" as well for the new maximum number of results you want to return). Please note that this will be more expensive for you, and your app may be slightly less performant as a result.

Algolia pagination is a feature request that is complex to implement properly and seamlessly, but is on our radar to consider in the future.

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