Brand guidelines

We love to see users contributing to the community and supporting growth by developing offerings in the Bubble ecosystem. These services strengthen the ecosystem and improve the value proposition of the Bubble platform overall, and we are very excited to see the community build on others’ services.
Trademarks are words, design, and other devices that identify and distinguish the source of the goods of one party from those of others. Bubble Group, Inc. has worked hard to establish its brand and set itself apart with its trademarks and we want to ensure that any use of our trademarks is done in a way that does not confuse the public. Accordingly, permission to use our marks is contingent upon following these Bubble Brand Guidelines, Terms of service and Acceptable use policy. For additional clarity, we’ve provided specific guidelines on how to use the Bubble Marks when marketing, providing, or referring to services developed in the Bubble ecosystem. Here is a document that shows visually what is okay and not okay when referring to Bubble.

Using these guidelines, users are empowered to reference the Bubble platform in connection with the services they offer and create clear marketing materials for these services. 
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Bubble Marks
The Bubble Marks include the BUBBLE word mark, our logos, other branding, and any other word, phrase, image, element, symbol, or any other designation that identifies Bubble or its services.

Our trademarks are registered in numerous parts of the world and assure users of the consistent quality of service provided by Bubble and must be used correctly in order to do so.

You may not modify any Bubble Marks or use them in a confusing way, including:
  • suggesting that you or your works are part of, created by, affiliated with, or endorsed by Bubble.
  • using the Bubble Marks in a manner that tends to allow them to become generic, lose their distinctiveness, or become liable to mislead the public.
  • using the Bubble Marks with anything less than a standard of acceptability, including any way which is materially detrimental to or inconsistent with the good name, good will, reputation, and image of the Bubble Group, Inc.

When use the Bubble Marks or otherwise referring to Bubble or its services:
  • clearly demonstrate in your communications that your services are not created by, affiliated with, endorsed by, or supported by Bubble.
  • clearly describe in your communications how you use Bubble and what your relationship to Bubble is, making clear that Bubble is a separate service to yours.

Using the BUBBLE word trademark

Please don’t:
  • use the Bubble word trademark with first securing permission from Bubble.
  • use the BUBBLE trademark in your company or product name, logo, domain name, taglines, or social media handles.
  • modify, imitate, or abbreviate the BUBBLE trademark anywhere. This includes confusingly similar names, such as misspellings, phonetic or foreign equivalents, rhyming words, stylizations, logos, or other variations.
  • examples: Bubble Partners, Inc., Bubl Specialist, @alpha_bubble.

Please do:
  • Use “Bubble Group, Inc.” when referring to the company, Bubble.
  • Use Bubble®  when referring to the Bubble brand.

Using the Bubble logo

Please don’t:
  • use the Bubble logo with first securing permission from Bubble.
  • stretch, crop, obstruct, overprint, rotate, re-color, add special effects or otherwise modify the Bubble logo.
  • use the Black-text logo on anything other than a white background and the white-text logo on anything other than a black background.
  • use any logos or similar imagery to represent Bubble other than what is found in our guidelines.
  • use old versions or any other marks or logos to represent the Bubble brand.

Please do:
  • only use the logos in the ZIP file you can download above.

Describing your relationship with Bubble

Please don’t:
  • include “for Bubble” in your company or product name, logo, domain name, taglines, or social media handles.
  • use any Bubble logos in connection with services related to Bubble.
  • claim to be Bubble, to be affiliated with Bubble, or to be endorsed by Bubble.
  • Examples: Alpha for Bubble, Alpha Bubble Templates.

Please do:
  • indicate in your marketing materials that your offering integrates with Bubble by using smaller text in a plain font.
  • emphasize your brand, not Bubble’s.
  • reference your offering’s interoperability with Bubble in a referential manner only. For instance: “X” for Bubble™ / the Bubble™ community or “X” built on/for the Bubble™ platform.

Making claims with reference to Bubble

Please don’t:
  • make vague, unsubstantiated, untimely, false, or misleading claims about your relationship to Bubble.
  • make claims that refer to ranking or rating on the Bubble Marketplace or Bubble Forum, which can change at any time.
  • make claims that refer to or quote statements made by Bubble or Bubble executives without permission.
  • examples: “the Best Agency on the Bubble Platform”, “Most-purchased map template on the Bubble Marketplace”, “#1 Commenter on the Bubble forum”, “Alpha Agency is our favorite agency -- Bubble Founders.”

Please do:
  • ensure all claims are true, specific, timely, and verifiable, and update them as necessary.
  • cite claims based on accurate and truthful third-party findings where possible.
  • mention that your offerings are available on the Bubble Marketplace if applicable.
  • examples: “Over 500 Bubble users have purchased our map template from the Bubble Marketplace in 2018”, “Alpha Solutions’ plugins are available on the Bubble Marketplace”, “Alpha was the largest template provider on the Bubble Marketplace in 2017, 2018, and 2019.”


Please use the following disclaimer on materials using Bubble word trademark:
  • “Bubble® is the trademark of Bubble Group, Inc. [Your company name] is an independent corporation and is not affiliated with Bubble.”

Please use the following disclaimer on materials using Bubble marks that include the Bubble word trademark and logo:
  • “Bubble® and the Bubble logo are trademarks of Bubble Group, Inc. [Your company name] is an independent corporation and is not affiliated with Bubble.

These disclaimers should be displayed prominently and clearly visible on either a dark or light background. The text should be a minimum of 14pt and a minimum of 80% opacity black or white in color on a contrasting background. It should displayed on initial page load, or for initial use of Bubble logo (in the case of a video asset).


Do not use the Bubble word trademark, logo, or any other confusingly similar marks on any apparel, product, toy, or any other goods or merchandise.


You are solely responsible for your material and any claims you make. You are required to comply with these guidelines and are additionally responsible for ensuring that all branding material is consistent with Bubble Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.

Any costs for rebranding materials or production of new branding materials to comply with these guidelines are your sole responsibility. Failure to change and/ or remove branding materials when directed by Bubble may result in suspension from the Bubble platform and forum, among other actions. Please also note that the permission in these guidelines may be cancelled, changed or modified at any time and at Bubble’s sole discretion.

Please email with any questions, comments, or to report improper use of Bubble marks by another website or service.
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