Frequently asked questions

Wondering what you can do with Bubble, how Bubble compares to other tools, or how to start learning? Check out the FAQs below to find out!
Abstract animals finding the answers to their questions.

Frequently asked questions


Why choose Bubble?

Launch sooner. Translating a design into a working application in Bubble is much faster than traditional development.
Save time. It can take weeks or months for a development team to turn a design into a working application. Bubble closes the gap between design and development.

Iterate faster. Anyone on the team can make changes, not just developers.

Lower costs. Hiring an in-house engineering team generally requires a six-figure annual budget, even for small organizations. With Bubble, you can build a fully-functional web application yourself.

Easy to use. Hiring developers can be a major bottleneck for starting a new project. Bubble is easy enough for total beginners to use, so you don’t have to invest in technical talent to get started.

Powerful. Bubble is powerful enough to build fully-functional and scalable apps, and is extensible via Javascript plugins and APIs.

How does Bubble compare to traditional languages and frameworks like JS, CSS, React or Ruby on Rails?

Bubble is a real programming language, designed to replace other programming languages and frameworks traditionally used for web development. This includes backend technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Django, and PHP, as well as frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Unlike traditional coding technologies, Bubble assumes that you're building a multi-user interactive application for web or mobile.

What’s different about working with Bubble vs. traditional programming?

In traditional languages, you work with low-level concepts such as clients, servers, databases, data models, and HTML templating. You work in text documents, and it’s up to you to know what to type.
In Bubble, you can work in clicks, rather than code, and apply higher-level concepts such as “show this button,” “send an email,” and “turn this font color red.” Design your page using a visual editor, and write the logic of your application with a system that prompts you with suggestions, so you’re never at a loss for what to type next.


What can I build with Bubble?

With Bubble, you can build interactive, multi-user apps for both desktop and mobile web browsers. Some users have successfully used third-party tools to wrap Bubble websites as native apps and submitted them to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, and we plan to fully support native apps in the future.
Bubble is open-ended. As with traditional programming languages, there’s no fixed set of possibilities.

Things you can build include (but are not limited to!)

  • A real-time voting app
  • A video-sharing social network
  • A Craigslist-esque marketplace
  • A turn-based storytelling game

See a full list of Bubble's features.

What can't I build with Bubble?

Theoretically, you can do anything on Bubble that you could with code. Build arbitrarily deep logical expressions, chain together conditional logic, and store data.
Bubble is most efficient for writing business and display logic, rather than mathematically-complex algorithms or novel UI interactions. However, Bubble seamlessly integrates with Javascript via plugins. We recommend using Javascript for expressing mathematically-complicated formulas, or building game-like or non-web-native visual interactions.

Bubble makes it easy to build animations, but currently isn’t suited for building anything that involves a lot of dynamic graphics, such as ‌platform games.

Do Bubble apps work on mobile?

Right now, Bubble apps work best in a web browser (though our community has successfully built native mobile apps).
Bubble ships with a responsive design engine that automatically translates your app to any screen size. You can tweak the way it gets displayed to get the exact look you want. You can designate specific mobile pages that appear to mobile visitors automatically in place of your desktop page.

Although we don’t support native apps in the Apple App Store and Google Play yet, there are several workarounds for creating a native app:

  • Our community has had success with tools like Phonegap or GoNative to automatically turn Bubble mobile web apps into native apps. You can learn more by asking for help on the forum.
  • It's easy to rapidly create powerful APIs with Bubble. Building a mobile app using Bubble as the backend is significantly faster than developing a custom backend, and a mobile app using a Bubble-built API can access the exact same data as your web application.


How long will it take me to learn Bubble?

We’ve found that people with no previous programming experience who are comfortable with computers can generally pick up the basics in an afternoon and become an expert in a week or two. If you can use a spreadsheet, you can learn Bubble.
We offer interactive tutorials and videos to make the learning process easy and fun. You can ask for help or find answers from our active community of friendly users on our forum.

Can I hire someone to build my Bubble app for me?

Yes! A number of agencies build apps on top of Bubble. Once the app is built, it’s easier for you to maintain than an app built with code. Often, you can make small changes yourself without having to go back to the original developers.
Visit our directory of Bubble agencies.


What services can Bubble connect and integrate with?

Bubble offers pre-built integrations with hundreds of popular services, including social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn), analytics (Mixpanel), and payments (Stripe). See the complete list of integrations.
Our no-code API connector hooks up to any JSON or XML-based API without any programming knowledge, and supports most popular authentication protocols out of the box. We also support connecting to major SQL databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MS SQL.

The Bubble platform is entirely open. You can create custom plugins using Javascript, and expose your own API to let other services connect to you.

Can I use my own domain name?

Absolutely! Buy your domain name through your favorite domain provider, and follow our instructions to point it to Bubble. Paid Bubble accounts are white-labeled, and you have complete freedom over all aspects of the design.


What happens if I go viral?

Bubble handles scaling your app automatically behind the scenes. You can purchase additional server capacity with a single click, with no need to worry about provisioning servers or databases in advance. Our shared infrastructure is designed to dynamically allocate resources as needed to support web-scale applications, and we also offer dedicated hosting solutions for apps with custom requirements.
There are no hard limits on the number of users, volume of traffic, or amount of data you can store. We support your growth from baby MVP to grown-up internet-wide phenomenon.

Please contact our sales team to discuss enterprise pricing.

Who owns my data?

The basic rule: you own your data. This includes the design of your application and the data that your users upload (pursuant to your own agreement with them, of course).

Can I export my data from the Bubble platform?

You can automatically export user-created data in the form of Excel-compatible CSV files. You can also use our one-click API creator to access all your data through a RESTful JSON API.
Bubble apps don't exist as code in the traditional sense, and can only run on the Bubble platform. There's currently no way of exporting your application as code. If you decide to move off the Bubble platform, we can provide a raw dump of your application logic and visual design as a JSON file to speed the process of converting your app to a different platform.

Our goal is for Bubble to grow with your app. We provide enterprise solutions and web-scale infrastructure, and with our Javascript and API integrations, you’ll never hit a hard limit within the system.

About Bubble

Bubble is a software development platform that enables anyone to build and launch fully functional web applications without writing code. Learn more about our mission, story, and team!
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Bubble has acquired Flusk, the most advanced no-code security tool.
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