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🀌 Markdown Pro

Published October 2022
   β€’    Updated this week

Plugin details

Markdown Pro is a plugin that produces beautifully styled documents based on your markdown documents.
It can now also convert from HTML to Markdown. Thanks to Johannes Kaufmann. Get your API key there:


Styling can NO LONGER be done via the Tailwind element or via CSS. If you're looking for an easier way to style your elements. Look at this markdown converter built with all Bubble native elements -- no plugins:


For everyone

4.1 stars   β€’   8 ratings
4.5K installs
This plugin does not collect or track your personal data.

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Contributor details

Rico Trevisan logo
Rico Trevisan
Joined 2017   β€’   10 Plugins
View contributor profile


1. **Add elements to page** Add `md-to-html` to the page.
It might be a good idea to add them to a floating group so they don't occupy any space in the page.

2. **Feed it markdown**
Set the source of the  `md-to-html` to a body of markdown. The plugin will instantly convert that to clean HTML.

3. **Pour the output into an HTML element.**
Add an HTML content to the page and inside add the output wrapped in something with the class prose.
   <div id="my-md-element">
      ... output of md-to-html ...
.my-md-element {
 h1 {
   background-color: gray;

# HTML to Markdown converter
1. get an API key on (you will need a GitHub account).

2. add it to the app

3. give any HTML to it and it will return markdown.


This plugin can be found under the following types:
Api   β€’   Action   β€’   Background Services   β€’   Element   β€’   Event


This plugin can be found under the following categories:


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Rating and reviews

Average rating (4.1)
Excellent plugin, but we need Katex support !
August 20th, 2024
It would be perfect if the plugin was using a plugin to make katex comptatible especially with the katex sent in AI responses like open ai
Perfect ! But
June 5th, 2024
It would be great if you can copy chatgpt markdown style and implement it as an option to preset design class, or with other campanies styles. I know you can exctract the style of chatgpt by installing css snip on chrome and snip a message of chagpt.
Perfect but an update could be nice
June 5th, 2024
My last bad review was my own fault. I confused the plugin's action with the plugin's event, which led me to believe that the plugin was consuming a lot of workload. In reality, it was the actions triggered by the plugin's event. To improve the plugin, the ideal enhancement would be to have an action that allows you to enter text into a field, convert this markdown text into HTML, and later in the list of subsequent actions, retrieve this value with a "Result of step X." like the 2.5 version of your plugin that your talking about in the forum, but it is not released.
great but needs maths support
April 13th, 2024
please can you add support for MathJax or LaTeX
February 6th, 2024
Is there a way to style the html so it inherits all the styles of my app?