The No-Code Industry

Everything you need to know about the world of no-code, from key players to best practices.

82 posts

Programming is not coding

One of the fundamental ideas behind Bubble is that programming and coding should be considered two different things.

September 23, 2015 • 2 minute read

What Is a “Higher Level” Language?

Where does Bubble fit among traditional programming languages?

September 18, 2015 • 3 minute read

The Role of Engineers in No Code

Yes, what we’re trying to do at Bubble is solve a hard problem. But why should it be impossible?

August 16, 2015 • % minute read

The no-code manifesto

Why, in our modern day, are we expecting people to speak like computers? Shouldn’t computers learn to speak our language instead?

Emmanuel Straschnov
November 06, 2014 • 3 minute read
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